In recent years my work within our local community has provided the opportunity to express my creativity in the form of designing and creating activities and games for children and family events. It’s been a joy to serve the community using my passion & creative abilities! Below are some examples of different event projects.

'Carrot Planting' acrylic on ply board, illustrated instructions for a children's activity I designed & created for an Easter family event

'Bunny Warren' acrylic on ply board, children's activity I designed & created for an Easter family event

'Bunny Warren'

'Donkey' acrylic on card, painted for a Christmas family event

'Parsnips' acrylic & pens on ply board, illustrated instructions for a children's game I created for a Harvest family event

'Seasons' acrylic on ply board, children's game I designed and painted for a Harvest family event